very stylish and a funny look. make it longer maybe add sounds and you will be in the top 5.
very stylish and a funny look. make it longer maybe add sounds and you will be in the top 5.
not bad
frame by frame rules all . but the voice acting was terrible.and it wasnt all that funny ,coolest thing though was the fire effect made of clay.
thanks..kind of
pretty cool
random but not too shaby please tell what the first song is called . seems to be some 80s tune.
one question
Awesome. One question though when you list the things theres one : this movie not funny. Meaning yours (sarcasm i know) . But in the back round there the acctual newgrounds page im seeing right now. Just that the size is different of the flash. Did u update the movie after submitting it with that screen shot?
Nope, that is all Photoshop trickery.
Bloddy awesome!! That was absolutly a masterpiece. Good job on the sound cutting and animation!
Im confused
I dont get it . This movie was released and uploaded before with the same Username your having now? I dont see how this was then uploaded by an unauthorized user. This even got frontpage last time. Why resubmit it then?
Die idee war nicht schlecht aber die Witze waren voll und ganz daneben . Und wieviel patriotismuss ist es wenn man sein eigeness Land verarscht? Wir müssen unser ansehen doch verbessern oder nicht?
Zugegeben... ich dachte mir gleich, dass das geblammed wird.
Und zugegeben... genau an die audience aus dem Land mit den drei Buchstaben ging dieser Film.
Ich denke in unserem Land is es aus mit Patriotismus und ich denke wir wissen beide warum. Und es ist gerade für mich ein Zeichen von Partiotismus wenn man vor sowas nicht die Augen verschliesst...sondern auch mal über das lachen kann, was andere von einem denken. Es ist ja nicht das was ich denke...
thx 4 review
I step in front of cars and sue the drivers.
Age 30
Joined on 10/10/01